I've been working on some pen technique lately, with the goal of developing my texture rendering skills using lots and lots of lines, dots and squiggles. I can say, my decision to narrow my focus a little bit (at least in medium) feels like a pretty good one. I'm less anxious about what I'm doing and I've been able to concentrate on just trying to make an interesting image. While ink is more or less a comfortable medium for me to work in, I still believe that the edge of my comfort zone needs to be poked and prodded. I have plans for this prodding, and for me right now.... those plans are pretty intimidating.
Challenges have recently been resumed on the ArtOrder, and I'm thinking of participating. There are a lot of different art challenges out there, going all the time. Conceptart, CGHub, Crimson Daggers, among others, all have challenges going. While those are great things to participate in, ArtOrder has a step up on them for me. The challenges for ArtOrder are judged not by peers, but by professionals. Art directors, and professional artists will be judging the entries in a technically non-professional capacity, but hey..... they're still seeing them.
ArtOrder's current challenge is to do a version of a nymph. As you can see, there are a lot of types to choose from. My plan is to enter a dryad (tree nymph) done in ink, as a possible interior illustration for a book. There isn't a whole lot to say about the work right now, except it's big (easily the biggest thing I've done in ink to date,) and it's going to have more than it's share of tree bark. Due to size differences between the piece and my scanner, I'm going to put off showing the work until it's done and scanned on a larger scanner. In the meantime, enjoy the chicks.
Steppe Eagle Chicks |
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